Be on the lookout for the above $3/3 Laundry Care Items Target coupon in your 3/3 SmartSource insert! Not all regions will receive this coupon. If you do get it, it stacks nicely with the new $3/3 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy, or Bounce coupon in the 3/3 P&G insert to make for some great deals.
My Target store sells the 34 count box of Bounce dryer sheets for just $1.97. Use the manufacturer’s coupon and Target coupon to pick up FREE dryer sheets!
Bounce Dryer Sheets, 34 ct – $1.97
$3/3 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy, or Bounce Product, exp. 3/31/13 (P&G 03/03/13)
$3/3 Laundry Care Items Target coupon, exp. 4/6/13 (SS 03/03/13)
Final Price: FREE!
I know I’ll be stocking up on Bounce with this coupon! Let us know if you find any other great deals.
Don’t forget to check out the other Target deals as well.
Where is this target area that got this coupon 3 off 3 . In Connecticut we got ten off 40.00
The coupon is not in the Target ad; it’s in the 3/3 SmartSource coupon insert. We received the coupon in Minnesota.
we did not get them in WV 🙁
I’m not able to find this coupon,$3/3 Laundry Care Items Target coupon
I found the $3 off Tide one – HELP!!!!