Amazon has added more FREE titles for your Kindle! Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a FREE app for your computer, BlackBerry, iPhone or iPad. Now’s a great time to build up your library for beach reading this summer!
- They Almost Always Come Home, Cynthia Ruchti
- The Irish Warrior, Kris Kennedy
- The Irish Devil, Diane Whiteside
- Undercover Lover: Take Me, Lover, Book 2, Charlene Teglia
- Home To Italy, Peter Pezzelli
- Shadow of Power: A Paul Madriani Novel, Steve Martini
- God Don’t Like Ugly, Mary Monroe
- His Majesty’s Dragon, Naomi Novik
- Nine Ways God Always Speaks, Mark Herringshaw & Jennifer Schuchmann
**only available in certain states - Treason, Don Brown
- Daughter of Joy (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 1), Kathleen Morgan
- Outsmart!: How to Do What Your Competitors Can’t, Jim Champy
- Democratizing Innovation, Eric von Hippel
Thanks, Deal Seeking Mom!