Want to make a few extra dollars online? As you probably know, finding legit ways to make money online isn’t always easy-that’s why I’m so excited to tell you about a new way you can start earning money.
Have you heard of BeRuby.com? Well, basically BeRuby.com lets you make money for your activity on the web – activity you’d most likely be doing regardless if you were making money! The best part about BeRuby, in my opinion, is that you do NOT have to use a toolbar or download any software. All you have to do is use Ruby as your start page, click on any website with a Ruby symbol, and start earning money! Keep in mind that only sites with Ruby symols will earn you money.
Some of the popular sites you can earn money on just for logging in (through the Ruby link) are: Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, and Gmail – just to name a few! I’m guessing you may already login in to one of these sites on a regular basis. If that’s the case, you can start making money for something you already do! Now you won’t by any means make a lot of money, but every penny counts and sure does add up! You can also make $0.10 a day just for logging in to your BeRuby account! If you login every day for a month, you’ll make $3.
Another way you can earn money on BeRuby.com is by shopping online and getting a percentage back for your purchases! They’ve got lots of online stores available to choose from and just by clicking through the link they provide you can start earning cash back! This is a great way to earn a little money, especially when you pair this with all the great online bargains available!
Thanks, It’s Hip to Save!