Wow! Bruegger’s Bagels is offering a great new coupon for 3 FREE bagels! To print yours, just head over to their Facebook page. The coupon is only valid on April 25th from opening to 2pm. It looks like you don’t even have to print the coupon – you can show it on your mobile device too.
You can also enter for a chance to win one of 30 Bagel Box Parties! These include 18 sliced sweet and savory bagels with tubs of plain, veggie, and honey walnut cream cheese. Sounds good to me!
Coupon Fine Print: Bagels do not include cream cheese or other toppings. Does not include premium, topped, or specialty bagels. Coupon valid for Facebook Fans or E-Club Members only. One coupon per person. Not valid with any other offer.
Thanks Penny Pinchin’ Mom!