As I posted earlier, there is a new $2/1 OFF! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent Starter coupon available. You can use this coupon at CVS to get a great deal…
Buy 1 OFF! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent Starter, on sale for $7.99
Buy 1 Refill pack (FREE with coupon below)
Use the $3/1 CVS OFF! Clip-on Mosquito product store coupon from here
Use the new $2/1 OFF! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent Starter from here
Use the buy a Starter get refill FREE coupon from here
Final cost: $2.99 for the starter and refill!
And here’s an upcoming deal, starting 6/27…
Mars Singles, Buy One Get One FREE
Use the BOGO coupon from the 6/27 RP
Final cost: 2 FREE!
Thanks, Hip2Save!