UPDATE: The Dollar Tree Coupon Policy has been officially posted on their website! Make sure to print it out and take it with you when shopping at Dollar Tree.
Guess what guys? Starting Sunday, August 26th, Dollar Tree will begin accepting manufacturer’s coupons. Their coupon policy should be available online soon, but here’s the gist of it:
- Manufacturer coupons only; no retailer specific coupons
- No photo copy of coupons
- Limit 2 Internet coupons per transaction
- Do not accept coupons for FREE products or coupons where the amount for the product is blank
- Coupons must be presented at time of purchase and can not be redeemed for cash at a later time
- We will accept coupons subject to their terms only; such as expiration date, size and limitations
- Coupon will not be accepted without the purchase of the item specified on the coupon
- Coupons cannot be redeemed for more than the purchase of the item specified on the coupon
- Only one manufacturer coupon will be accepted per product in transaction
- Coupon must be intact, not altered or modified in any way
- Coupons are for in store purchases only
I’m so excited that Dollar Tree will now be accepting coupons! Hopefully we can get some awesome deals there now. 🙂
Thanks Dollar Store Deals!