Healthy Seasons has some great over the counter medicine printable coupons available!
Go here to print these coupons. Don’t forget, you can print these coupons twice!
$10 mail in refund on Zyrtec
$1 off Neosporin
$2 off Zyrtec
$1 off Mylanta
$1 off Pepcid
$2 off Visine-A
$1 off Tylenol Allergy or Sinus
$1 off Benadryl
$1 off Splenda
$1 off St. Joseph Aspirin
$2 off Visine
$2 off Visine-A
$1 off Tylenol PM
$1 off Simply Sleep
$1 off Tylenol
$1 off Tylenol Arthritis
$0.50 off Listerine
Thanks, Mojo Savings!