Discount Mags has three great deals on magazines today! Make sure you head over and check these out. Even if you don’t need the magazine subscriptions for yourself, they would make a great stocking stuffer!
:: Bon Appetit Magazine Deals (Valid Through 10/24/12 11:59pm ET)
1 year subscription for $4.99 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
2 year subscription for $9.98 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
3 year subscription for $14.97 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
:: Men’s Fitness Magazine Deals (Valid Through 10/24/12 11:59pm EST)
1 year subscription for $4.29 (60% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
2 year subscription for $8.58 (60% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
3 year subscription for $12.87 (60% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
:: Car and Driver Magazine Deals (Valid Through 10/25/12 9:59am ET)
1 year subscription for $3.99 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
2 year subscription for $7.98 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
3 year subscription for $11.97 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS
4 year subscription for $15.96 (66% off) with code FRUGALFINDERS