There’s a new LeapFrog coupon on! Click on the ‘Toys and Games’ category on the left hand side to print a coupon for $5 off any Leapfrog Tag Reading System. You can also print an additional coupon from here (upper right side of page).
Other New Coupons:
Save $0.75 on Mahatma White, Brown, Jasmine, or Basmati Rice
The small bags of white rice are priced around $1.25 (possibly less), so only $0.50 after the coupon!
$1 off any 1 Coppertone Suncare Product (excluding lip balm or trial size): IE or Firefox
Save $0.55 on any one Enjoy Life product
Save $0.75 on two Enjoy Life boom CHOCO boom Chocolatey Bar
$1 off any Combination of 4 Dole All Natural Fruit Jars or Dole Fruit Bowls
This is a SmartSource coupon and will print immediately after clicking the link.
Thanks, Hip2Save!