There’s a new high value Nexxus coupon available! Go here to print a coupon valid for $2 off any one Nexxus product! Hit your browser back button to print this coupon a total of 2 times per computer. CVS has an Extra Care Buck available on Nexxus products this week: Buy $20 worth and get a $10 Extra Care buck!
CVS Deal Scenario:
Buy 4 Nexxus products, on sale for $3.99 each: $15.96
Buy 1 Nexxus product priced a little over $4 (to get to the $20 amount)
Total: around $20
Use 5 $2/1 coupons from here (you’ll have to print from 3 computers)
Pay $10
Get back a $10 ECB
Final cost: 5 Nexxus products for FREE!
Thanks, Hip2Save!