Red Plum added a few new coupons to their site today. Only two of these offers are national, which means that you will have to enter your zip code to see what additional offers you can print. Please note that these coupons have a limited number of prints available, so if you see any that you think you might use, it’s probably not a bad idea to print them now.
These coupons should be available to everyone:
* $2/1 any Visine Product
* $1/1 VIACTIV Soft Chews Dietary Supplements
And these coupons will vary based on your zip code:
* $0.50/1 Superpretzel product
* $1/1 Dove Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist
* $1/1 Dove Hair Care Product (excludes trial sizes)
* $1/1 Scotts’s Liquid Gold Clean Screen
* $1/1 package of Vanity Fair Plates when you purchase one (1) package of Vanity Fair Dinner Napkins
* $1/1 Scott’s Liquid Gold Wood Cleaner & Preservative And Wood Wash
* $0.50/1 Any Loaf of Aunt Millies Early American Bread
* $0.35/1 package of any Born Free or BF Family Shell or Hard Boiled Eggs