Here are the deals that Office Depot will offer starting tomorrow, July 25th, through July 31st…
- Office Depot Acrylic Ruler, $0.05 (Limit 3)
- Office Depot Eraser Caps (12 pack), $0.10 (Limit 3)
- Office Depot Wirebound Notebooks (6 pack), $0.50 (Limit 2)
- HP Office Paper (500 Sheets), $6.49 – $5.54 Mail in Savings Prepaid Visa Card = $0.95 (Limit 2)
- Select Sharpie, Expo, Foray and Paper Mate Products, Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
- Mini Stapler and Remover, 2/$3
- 7″ Friskars Student Scissors, 2/$3
- 12″ Westcott Plastic Ruler, 2/$3
- Single Hole Punch Rubber Grip, 2/$3
Thanks, Hip2Save!