If you’re looking for other ways to use all the photo card deals out there, consider switching it up a bit and sharing some of your most-requested signature recipes!
Use the FREE custom photo cards offer from SeeHere and create recipe cards for that dish or dessert that always gets rave reviews. Then, when they ask for the recipe, you’ll be able to pull out a full-color card with it printed right on there.
Right now you can get 29 personalized photo cards absolutely FREE, including shipping! If you only order 29, shipping should be FREE. However, you can get up to 50 photo cards FREE and pay only the $4.99 shipping.
Here’s how to get your 29 FREE photo recipe cards:
- Create an account with SeeHere. You will also receive 50 FREE photo prints upon registration!
- Create a custom 4″x8″ photo card and add 29 of them to your cart.
- Check out using code newbaby (case sensitive).
For whatever reason, the FREE shipping on 29 doesn’t always work, so watch your total for the $4.99 charge, and you can bump the number of cards to 50 if it’s going to charge you shipping and you’re still interested in them.
Thanks, Deal Seeking Mom!