Through 9/16, you can get a custom designed photo planner or notebook for just $2.99 (+ tax) shipped from Snapfish! Here’s how…
- Register for a new Snapfish account. This will only work if you’re a new Snapfish customer!
- Click on the ‘Shop’ link on the right hand side under ‘Upload Photos and Videos’, then in the small search box on the upper left hand side, type in ‘planner’. Finally, click on the first option which should say ‘Snapfish:Notebooks’. Scroll down, choose what type of notebook you’d like to create and start customizing it.
- When you’re finished, start the checkout process and enter coupon code WOW10OFF…this code will take $10 off your order, which will make your photo notebook FREE and leave you to just pay shipping!
Your final cost should come to $2.99 (+ tax) shipped right to your door!
You cannot combine the $10 off code with the FREE shipping code…only one code is allowed per order. I would recommend placing 2 separate orders: one to get the $2.99 photo notebook and a second to get your 50 FREE prints with FREE shipping!
Thanks, Hip2Save!