Looking for a Toys R Us coupon to help you finish your holiday shopping within your budget? There’s a very nice new Toys R Us coupon available for you to use! You can save 15% off your regular priced toy purchase at Toys R Us.
If you pay with your “R”Us credit card, you’ll save 20% with the coupon.
There are quite a few exclusions that you’ll want to be aware of though:
Excludes baby food, diapers, formula, wipes, Unbeatable Price items, Ameda, Baby Jogger, BOB, Britax, Bugaboo, ERGObaby, Mamas & Papas, Maxi-Cosi car seats, Motorola, Nap Nanny, Pediped, Peg Pérego, Phil & Teds, Quinny, Robeez, Thyme Maternity, Tommee Tippee, electronic learning toys, netbooks, tablets, video game hardware, video games, Apple products, FAO Schwarz toys, Buyer Protection Plan, gift cards, photo studios, phoneorders, Special Orders, assembly fee, delivery fee, and shipping & handling.
One coupon per guest. Not valid with any other “R”Us total transaction offer. Must be surrendered at time of purchase. Value is forfeited if item is returned.
Coupons procured by Savings.com