Walgreens has the small boxes of Harry London chocolate hearts priced at $5 with a peelie for a FREE $10 1-800Flowers.com Fresh Pass! Some may even have $20 Fresh Passes!
If you’re interested in getting in on this deal, run to Walgreens! I would suggest purchasing 2 boxes for a total of $10 + tax. This may seem high, but for that $10 to $20 spent, you’ll not only get 2 boxes of chocolate, but also up to $40 to spend on 1-800Flowers.com!
Thanks, Hip2Save!
You are doing a very good job with these posts, keep it up!
Hey, I recently started reading your blog – thank you for the good work. Just wanted to let you know that it’s not showing up properly on the BlackBerry browser (I have a Tour). Either way, I’m now subscribed to the RSS feed on my PC, so thanks!
Nice post. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up!