Here’s a sweet deal that I thought deserved some special attention. As I posted on the weekly coupon match-ups for this upcoming week at Walgreens, Ecotrin will be on sale for $1.99 each after in-ad coupon. You could use the $2/1 coupon from the 10/11 RP insert or the printable coupon to get it FREE, or you could use two other coupons to get an even better deal. In that same insert (10/11 RP inserts), there were two coupons for $10/3 and $7/2 Advantage Brands products (Ecotrin is included) so that can get you the following deal:
Buy 5 Ecotrin 45 count boxes (regular price $3.49-$3.79): $17.45
Use the $10/3 coupon from 10/11 RP insert
Use the $7/2 coupon from 10/11 RP insert
Use the Ecotrin in-ad coupon (will deduct$7.50 to bring the price of the Ecotrin down to $1.99)
Final price: FREE plus $7.05 in overage
The store won’t hand you back any cash, so you need to add items to your order to absorb this overage. Remember to hand the manufacturer coupons first and the in-ad coupon at the end.
Thanks, Common Sense With Money!