Due to increased coupon fraud and barcode decoding, Walmart recently made some changes to their internal coupon policy and registers. While these changes are not published on their website, a memo has been sent out to store managers.
Here is a list of the questions and answers that are a part of this updated internal coupon policy.
- How do I know if the manufacturer coupon is valid?
Scan the coupon barcode that has an image of either a UPC-A or GS1 barcode. Be sure and use the flatbed scanner. The register scanner will read the embedded information to validate the expiration date, item, coupon amount, and size. Then the register prompt will return the message ‘Valid Coupon’. If the coupon doesn’t have a valid barcode, the register will return the message ‘Coupon Not Valid’. - What if the coupon has a barcode but it does not scan?
First, make sure you are using the flatbed scanner. Some handheld scanners are older models and do not read GS1 barcodes. If the coupon still does not scan, explain to our customer that the coupon barcode is not readable and Walmart requires the coupon to be returned to them. Hand them back the coupon. - What is the process to accept soda cap offers?
Refer to the SOP called “Tendering Vendor Coupons – Processing Soda Container Caps” (ID 10638). Soda caps are not to be scanned and processed as coupons. - What is the process to accept rebate checks?
Refer to the Check Cashing SOP (ID 371). Rebate checks are not to be scanned and processed as coupons. - Can cashiers use the coupon key for coupons that do not scan?
If the coupon states “manufacturer” coupon:- Yes. However, it will require the approval of a CSS to complete the transaction. There’s an increase with counterfeit coupons in circulation when the scanning step is eliminated. By requiring it to be a scannable barcode, it helps limit the risk to the company. We recommend not accepting the coupon and returning the coupon to the customer.
If the coupon states “retailer”:
- It is the store management’s decision to accept the coupon and will have to be completed as a “price override 2” (Ad Match)
- What if the value of the coupon is greater than the value of the item?
The customer should always receive the full value of their coupon, even if we sell the item for less than the coupon amount. - What do I do if I’m uncomfortable with a coupon situation or need more help?
Call for your supervisor or a member of management. - What type of competitor coupons does Walmart accept?
Walmart accepts a competitor coupon that is a specific item at a specific price. Process as an Ad Match – Price Override # 2.
You can print a copy of this memo from I Heart the Mart.
Don’t forget to print out a copy of the Walmart Coupon Policy and keep it with you when you shop!
Thanks I Heart the Mart!