UPDATE: The $5 coupon code is only valid on the Elemental Threads save!
Today only at Eversave, there’s a new coupon code for $5 off! You can also get $2 for creating a new Eversave account, which means you can save up to $7!
$20 Chocolate.com Voucher, $10
Use coupon code GOBBLE and save $2
Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY and save $5
Final cost: $3 for $20 worth of chocolates
Pixable Photo Book, on sale for $10
Use coupon code GOBBLE and save $2
Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY and save $5
Final cost: $3
Thanks, Passion for Savingsā¢!
This is Jere from Eversave. Thanks for your post. The promo code for either the Chocolate.com save or the Pixable.com Save is GOBBLE. It’s good through tonight and saves you an extra $2 on either of these Saves. The BLACKFRIDAY code saves you $5 on the Elemental Threads Save. Just wanted to clarify!
Thanks, Jere! I just updated the post with this information.