It appears that the V8 Juice that’s on sale at Walgreens this week with in ad coupon is actually generating a surprise $1 Register Reward when you buy 2! Please keep in mind that I cannot guarantee this Register Reward offer will actually print.
Deal Scenario:
V8 Vegetable Juice (64oz) or V-Fusion (46oz), 2/$5 with in ad coupon
Use 2 $1/1 V-Fusion coupons from here
There are also $1/2 coupons available here or in the 10/3 SS
Pay as low as $3
Get back a $1 RR
Final cost: $1 each
Thanks, Hip2Save!
On Sunday, 10/3, I bought two regular V-8 and the bonus $1 Register Reward did print. On Monday, I bought two low sodium V-8 (all they had left) and the $1 Register Reward did not print. So I’m not sure if it was a one day only (Sunday) bonus or if changing to low sodium variety made the difference.
Thanks for letting us know, Dawna! It could’ve been that the low sodium wasn’t included or they might have stopped the bonus Register Reward from printing.